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Traduceri cerute - peabody

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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză hey, look u better make sure urself keep away...
hey, look u better make sure urself keep away from my boyfriend ok?? i hope whad im saying is clear to you. just, simply, DONT TALK WITH HIM AND DONT CONTACT WITH HIM ANYMORE OK?
urself = yourself "Admin's Remark" . This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduceri completate
Portugheză braziliană Ei, você!
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză look girl... i just wanted you to know... i saw...
look girl... i just wanted you to know... i saw some dirty comments that u wrote to my husband... eduardo.. eduardo a.k.a. young easy... dos santos rocha..

im just tellin ya n warnin u, keep urself away from him.. or.. get ready for some bad things happen on ya.. PEACE!!!

Traduceri completate
Portugheză braziliană olhe, garota, eu só queria que você soubesse... eu vi....
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Engleză are you married miss?
are you married miss?

Traduceri completate
Portugheză braziliană Você é casada, moça?
Limba sursă
Engleză By the way, I miss E. a lot nowadays... ...
By the way, I miss E. a lot nowadays...
you know, I really want to marry him.. hehe

I love him just too much..
E = male name abbrev.

Traduceri completate
Portugheză braziliană A propósito